Why spend hours manually configuring controls when you can automate the entire process? With OneClickFix, achieving compliance is effortless.
Our platform takes care of the technical work for you—automatically adjusting the necessary settings to meet standards and frameworks—all with just one click.
OneClickComply allows you to instantly comply with leading standards and frameworks like ISO 27001, SOC 2, and Cyber Essentials - automating the entire technical implementation in only one click.
No more guessing how to implement a control. OneClickFix automatically creates tasks to reflect gaps in your security - letting you automate the work to get compliant with your chosen standards.
See your current progress in various forms. Whether it’s how many tasks you have left, or how compliant you are with your standards, OneClickComply finally makes compliance easy to understand, and even easier to achieve.
Reduce your compliance timelines from months to weeks with our blisteringly fast automations.
Rest easy knowing any non-compliance will be detected, with rapid remediation options always available.
OneClickComply costs less than other solutions, gets you compliant quicker, and actually automates the work for you!
Automated implementation of technical controls
of the cost of doing it manually
Automated monitoring and one click remediation
With our continuous monitoring, one click fixes and compliance experts - achieving and maintaining cyber security hygiene has never been simpler.