Discover, examine, and remediate weaknesses across your entire attack surface, all from one easy to use platform.
OneClickComply automates the entire vulnerability management process, from identification to resolution, keeping businesses at maximum security in as little as one click.
Scan for both internal and external risks within your business, helping you determine the next steps to remain secure.
Delve into each vulnerability and assess the associated risks to your business, enabling you to prioritise which to remediated first.
Utilise the OneClickFix feature of the platform, allowing you to close detected gaps swiftly, regardless of your expertise with cyber security or compliance.
Maintain high security standards at all times, keeping your entire IT environment risk-free and within compliance.
Eliminate risks before they develop with instant notifications, helping prevent potential breaches and security incidents.
Rapidly remediate any detected issue and remain protected, no matter your security experience.
Automated implementation of technical controls
of the cost of doing it manually
Automated monitoring and one click remediation
With our continuous monitoring, one click fixes and compliance experts - achieving and maintaining cyber security hygiene has never been simpler.